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» كيف تذاكر وتحتفظ بالمعلومات حتى يوم الإمتحان
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» ارشادات للطالب قبل الإمتحان
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» اختبار في مادة اللغة العربية
نماذج اختبارات لغة انجليزية للفصل الثالث Emptyالسبت يناير 28, 2012 5:37 pm من طرف boualem fcb

» اختبار في مادة اللغة العربية
نماذج اختبارات لغة انجليزية للفصل الثالث Emptyالسبت يناير 28, 2012 5:36 pm من طرف boualem fcb

» اختبار في مادة اللغة العربية
نماذج اختبارات لغة انجليزية للفصل الثالث Emptyالسبت يناير 28, 2012 5:35 pm من طرف boualem fcb

» اختبار في مادة التربية المدنية
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» جوليات شهادة التعليم المتوسط لسنة 2009
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» جوليات شهادة التعليم المتوسط لسنة 2009
نماذج اختبارات لغة انجليزية للفصل الثالث Emptyالسبت يناير 28, 2012 4:04 pm من طرف boualem fcb

» امتحان في مادة التربية الاسلامية
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نماذج اختبارات لغة انجليزية للفصل الثالث

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مُساهمة  Admin الإثنين مايو 23, 2011 5:53 pm

Level : 2AM Timing : 1h 30

The Third Term English Exam
Louis Pasteur was a French scientist. He was born in 1822. He began his career as a chemist, but turned to biology and medicine later on and made many discoveries. He discovered the anti-rabies vaccine. He did many experiments on that because one of his friends Henry died from a mad dog bit in his early life. Pasteur tried the first vaccine in 1885 on a nine-years old boy Joseph Meister successfully. After this wonderful discovery, the healed people gave and sent money. They built The Pasteur Institute in Paris and then all over the world. Pasteur died in 1895.

Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
A) Read the text and say True or False ( 04 Pts)
1- Louis Pasteur was a French journalist. 2- He didn't start his career as a chemist.
3- His friend died from a mad dog bit. 4- He died in 1995.
B) Match dates with events ( 01.5 Pts )

He died
He tried the vaccine
He was born

C) What do the underlined words refer to ( 01.5 Pts )
1- his à…………………… 2- his à…………………..… 3- They à…………………….
Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 07 Pts)
A) Rewrite sentence (B) so that it means the same as sentence (A) ( 04 Pts )
1- A) The pupil revises the lessons.
B) The lessons ………………………………………………..
2- A) Pasteur made many discoveries.
B) Many discoveries ………………………………………………..
3- A) The first vaccine was tried by Pasteur.
B) Pasteur ………………………………………………..
4- A) The healed people gave and sent money.
B) Money ………………………………………………..
B) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final "S" ( 03 Pts )
cuts / drives / bridges / has / pushes / takes
/ S /
/ Z /
/ IZ /

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)
Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph

a-He kept the biggest part for himself.
b-His host asked him to cut the chicken.
c-Djeha was invited for dinner.
d-He acted in a very selfish way.

Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM
Third Term English Examination
Ali: Running is very good for you, Sam.
Bachir: Are you sure? I feel terrible.
Ali: Come on. Stop talking and run.
Bachir: I'm getting tired.
Ali: Of course, you're getting tired. Look at me. I'm fit because I go running everyday.
Bachir: I know, but I don't enjoy running.
Ali: you'd better walk, then.
Bachir: I don't like walking. I hate running. In fact, I prefer staying in bed on Saturday.


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 05 Pts)

A) Answer the following questions according to the text ( 03 Pts)
1- Why is Ali fit?
2- Does Bachir enjoy running?
3- What does Bachir prefer doing?

B) Find in the text words that are opposite to the following ( 02 Pts )
like ≠ …………………………………………. leaving ≠

Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 07 Pts)

A) Put the verbs between brackets in the right form ( 04 Pts )
1- My father likes ( to drive ) …………………. Fast.
2- I want ( to buy ) ………………………….. a bicycle.

B) Reorder the words to get correct sentences ( 03 Pts )
1- you / like / drink / to / ? / Would / some milk
2- prefer / . / a cup / of / drink / I / to / coffee

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 08 Pts)

Write ( 4 ) sentences about John and Indira using the table as in the example
Eg: John likes playing cards.

Play cards
( + ) like
( – ) hate
Watch films
( + ) like
( + ) like
Wash dishes
( – ) hate
( – ) hate

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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM
Third Term English Examination
Ali: Running is very good for you, Sam.
Bachir: Are you sure? I feel terrible.
Ali: Come on. Stop talking and run.
Bachir: I'm getting tired.
Ali: Of course, you're getting tired. Look at me. I'm fit because I go running everyday.
Bachir: I know, but I don't enjoy running.
Ali: you'd better walk, then.
Bachir: I don't like walking. I hate running. In fact, I prefer staying in bed on Saturday.


Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 05 Pts)

A) Answer the following questions according to the text ( 03 Pts)
1- Why is Ali fit?
2- Does Bachir enjoy running?
3- What does Bachir prefer doing?

B) Find in the text words that are opposite to the following ( 02 Pts )
like ≠ …………………………………………. leaving ≠

Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 07 Pts)

A) Put the verbs between brackets in the right form ( 04 Pts )
1- My father likes ( to drive ) …………………. Fast.
2- I want ( to buy ) ………………………….. a bicycle.

B) Reorder the words to get correct sentences ( 03 Pts )
1- you / like / drink / to / ? / Would / some milk
2- prefer / . / a cup / of / drink / I / to / coffee

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 08 Pts)

Write ( 4 ) sentences about John and Indira using the table as in the example
Eg: John likes playing cards.

Play cards
( + ) like
( – ) hate
Watch films
( + ) like
( + ) like
Wash dishes
( – ) hate
( – ) hate

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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM
Third Term English Examination
John White has collected 1500 clocks and put them in every room of his house as the living room. His wife Susan has to dust hundreds of clocks. She complains about the work and noise. She hates clocks by time.
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 06 Pts)
A) Read and say True or False ( 03 Pts)
1- John has collected 1600 clocks. 2- He sells clocks.
3- Susan has to dust clocks. 4- He puts clocks in the kitchen.
5- His wife hates clocks by time. 6- She dislikes noise.
B) Answer the following questions. ( 03 Pts )
1- How many clock has John collected?
2- Where did he put them?
3-Does his wife love clocks?
Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 14 Pts)
A) Turn these sentences into negative form( 03 Pts )
1- He is a clock collector.
2- Susan can dust hundreds of clocks.
3- Susan hates clocks by time.
B) Write the plural of these words ( 04 Pts )

a clock
a man
a child
a wife

C) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final ( S ) ( 02 Pts )
clocks – complains – has –hates
/ S /
/ Z /
/ IZ /

D) Cross the odd one out ( 05 Pts )


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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM
Third Term English Examination
Polly is a pretty English girl with long hair and green eyes. She lives with her parents in Liverpool. She is a pupil in a private school. She is very good at English and Geography. On Saturday afternoon, she practises tennis. It is her favourite sport. On Sunday, she visits her grandmother in the countryside. She gets into the poultry-yard and collects eggs for her. She likes watching the hens, the geese and the ducks.

Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
A)Read the text carefully and answer the following questions( 03 Pts)
1- What is Polly like?
2- What is her favourite sport?
3- What does she do on Sunday?

B) Choose the right word for each sentence( 02 Pts)
1- Polly ……………… the eggs from poultry yard ( picks up – puts – gives )
2- Hens feed on ………………… ( meat – grain – fish )
C) 1- Find in the text words that are *****alent to the following( 01 Pts )
resides =……..…..……………. gathers = ……………………...
2- Find in the text words that are opposite to the following( 01 Pts )
short ≠ ……………….…….. bad ≠ ………………………..

Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 07 Pts)
A)Order the following words Alphabetically( 02 Pts )
ducks - geese - hens - eggs
B)Complete this table( 03 Pts )

- hen
- …………………….
- country
- ……………………
- geese
- ……………………

C)Turn into form: Interrogative / Negative( 02 Pts )
Affirmative: Polly lives in Liverpool.
Interrogative: ……………………………………………………….?
Negative: ………………………………………………………….....

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)
Complete this paragraph with:
got – her – lives – large – Sunday
Polly's grandmother ……………………. In the countryside. She owns a ………………….. farm. She has ……………………. different animals in it. …………… niece Polly helps her every ……………….….. .

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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM
Third Term English Examination
Grains, fruit and vegetables, meat and other proteins, dairy, fat and sugar compose the five food groups. In a healthy diet, each group plays an important role. To keep in good health, people must consume a lot of grains, fruit and vegetables. They mustn't eat too much dairy, meat and other proteins, and they must avoid too much fat and sugar.

Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 Pts)
A)Read the text carefully and answer the following questions( 03 Pts)
1- What are the five food groups?
2- Must we consume a lot of fat and sugar?
3- What must people consume to have a good health?
B) Where can we find the followings. Match each pair ( 03 Pts)
- proteins - dates
- fats - water
- vitamins 'C' - meat
- fibres - while
- minerals - oranges
- carbohydrates - grains
C) Find in the text words that are *****alent to the following ( 01 Pts)

many = ………………… feed on = …………………
Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 07 Pts)
A) Order the following words Alphabetically( 02 Pts )

fish – finish – fruit- fresh
B)Complete this table( 02 Pts )

- hard
- serious
- happy
- good
- ……………….
- ……………….
- ……………….
- ……………….

C)Turn into the passive form( 03 Pts )
1- The doctor examines the patient. 2- He wrote the prescription.
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)
Complete this dialogue between Tom and Andy
Tom: Hello, Andy! …………………………………………………?
Andy: Yes, I'd love to. I Would like to come with you.
Tom: ……………………………………………………………….?
Andy: No, I don't like eating fish.
Tom: ………………………………………………………………..?
Andy: I'd like some chicken.
Tom: ………………………………………………………………...?

Andy: Yes. Some lemonade, please.
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM
Third Term English Examination
This morning, I saw an accident. A car was going fast. It ran into a young man's bike. The young man was hurt badly. Some people came quickly to help. But a policeman on duty told them to keep away. He asked his colleague to call an ambulance. It arrived rapidly. Two ambulance men came out of it and put the man on a stretcher carefully.

Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 06 Pts)
A) Read the text carefully and answer: True or False( 04 Pts)
1- An old man had an accident. ……………
2- The young man was riding a horse. …………..
3- The policeman asked some people to keep away. ……………..
4- The ambulance arrived late. ……………………
B) 1- Find in the text words that are *****alent to the following ( 01 Pt )
phone = …………………… friend = ………………………
2- Find in the text words that are opposite to the following ( 01 Pt )
answered ≠ ……………………………. slowly ≠ …………………………
Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 08 Pts)
A) Turn into the passive form ( 02 Pts )
1- Yesterday, two ambulance men put the man on a stretcher.
1- The man ……………………………………………………
2- I saw an accident.
2- An accident ………………………………………………….
B) Complete the following table ( 04 Pts )





C) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of "Y" ( 02 Pts )
away – young – badly – duty
/ j /
/ i /

PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)
Find the questions
Policeman: …………………………………………………………… ?
Driver: It was about 7:45.
Policeman: …………………………………………………………… ?
Driver: No, I was not driving too fast.
Policeman: …………………………………………………………… ?
Driver: Yes, I saw the man, but it was too late.

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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM
Third Term English Examination
Two years ago, I tried to practise judo. I was not very fit at that time and I could not do the exercises. The trainer told me to go on a diet for a month. He asked the other trainees to help me. I followed the diet hard but after some weeks, I could run fast and could do exercises well. Last week, I won my brown belt. I played nicely.
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 08 Pts)
A) Answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- How long did you try " the judo"?
2- What did the trainer tell you?
3- Did you win the brown belt?
B) Choose the right answer ( 03 Pts )
You tried to practise ( the swimming – the judo – the skiing ).
You could run ( fast – slow – nicely ) after a week.
You won ( the white – the black – the brown ) belt.
C) Match words with definitions ( 02 Pts )
fit a special food to lose weight
diet in good health
trainer a Japanese sport
judo a person who trains
Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 06 Pts)
A) Add a word to each list ( 02 Pts )
1- a day – a week – a year – ……………………
2- practise – helped – played – …………………
3- well – fast – nicely – …………………………
4- teacher – builder – player – …………………
B) Complete this table ( 02 Pts )


C) Change into passive voice ( 02 Pts )
Pedro practises judo
Fleming discovered a vaccine
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)
Complete with:bicycle / saw / rapidly / badly / fast / quickly
I …………. an accident, yesterday. A car was going …………. . It ran into a young man's …………. . The young man was hurt …………. . Some people came …………. to help. The ambulance arrived …………. and took him to hospital.
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المساهمات : 57
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/05/2011
العمر : 28


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