منتدى التعليم المتوسط في خنشلة
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المواضيع الأخيرة
» كيف تذاكر وتحتفظ بالمعلومات حتى يوم الإمتحان
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» اختبار في مادة اللغة العربية
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» اختبار في مادة اللغة العربية
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» جوليات شهادة التعليم المتوسط لسنة 2009
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التبادل الاعلاني
احداث منتدى مجاني
أكتوبر 2024

اليومية اليومية

بسرعة اختبار الفصل الثالث في الانـــــــــجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل

 بسرعة اختبار الفصل الثالث في الانـــــــــجليزية  Empty بسرعة اختبار الفصل الثالث في الانـــــــــجليزية

مُساهمة  Admin الإثنين مايو 23, 2011 5:45 pm

Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 02 AM Third Term English Examination
Two years ago, I tried to practise judo. I was not very fit at that time and I could not do the exercises. The trainer told me to go on a diet for a month. He asked the other trainees to help me. I followed the diet hard but after some weeks, I could run fast and could do exercises well. Last week, I won my brown belt. I played nicely.
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 08 Pts)
A) Answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- How long did you try " the judo"?
2- What did the trainer tell you?
3- Did you win the brown belt?
B) Choose the right answer ( 03 Pts )
You tried to practise ( the swimming – the judo – the skiing ).
You could run ( fast – slow – nicely ) after a week.
You won ( the white – the black – the brown ) belt.
C) Match words with definitions ( 02 Pts )
fit a special food to lose weight
diet in good health
trainer a Japanese sport
judo a person who trains
Section Two: Mastery of ******** ( 06 Pts)
A) Add a word to each list ( 02 Pts )
1- a day – a week – a year – ……………………
2- practise – helped – played – …………………
3- well – fast – nicely – …………………………
4- teacher – builder – player – …………………
B) Complete this table ( 02 Pts )

hard ………………….
bad ………………….
good ………………….
careful ………………….
C) Change into passive voice ( 02 Pts )
Pedro practises judo
Fleming discovered a vaccine
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts)
Complete with: bicycle / saw / rapidly / badly / fast / quickly
I …………. an accident, yesterday. A car was going …………. . It ran into a young man's …………. . The young man was hurt …………. . Some people came …………. to help. The ambulance arrived …………. and took him to hospita


المساهمات : 57
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/05/2011
العمر : 28


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